Tahoe’s Tipping Point

Eco Truckee Tahoe

In an opinion article, Ann Nichols, President of North Tahoe Preservation Alliance and a local real estate professional, comments on a 1/8/2016 Sierra Sun opinion piece entitled, “We owe an apology to Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada.” Ann Nichols points out that the op-ed, submitted by TRPA [Tahoe Regional Planning Agency], the Tahoe Fund and others “was particularly ironic since TRPA has been central to this issue by promoting new large development projects such as Boulder Bay, and Homewood without any consideration for the harsh reality that we don’t have a comprehensive transportation system, adequate fire evacuation, or necessary infrastructure.”

“Small conservation groups are left with having to protect Tahoe from phony traffic studies and bogus environmental analysis,” Ann Nichols wrote in her op-ed which appeared first in Sierra Sun under the title: Opinion: What is Lake Tahoe-Truckee’s environmental tipping point?. The article was submitted to EcoTruckee.org by North Tahoe Preservation Alliance.

Tahoe’s Tipping Point

By Ann Nichols

Lake Tahoe at Sunset

Ann Nichols Says KSL Development Would Be A BlemishWe tried to go skiing at Squaw, but after 2 hours into a 30 minute commute we had to turn around.  It was January 9th, a Sunday and it should have been reasonably busy, but not gridlock.  So are traffic jams on off peak weekends the new normal for our area?  Traffic was backed up from Squaw to Truckee.  Okay, so gas is cheap and we finally have snow, but aren’t we supposed to have snow in the winter?  

A 1/8/2016 Sierra Sun opinion piece entitled, “We owe an apology to Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada” submitted by TRPA, the Tahoe Fund and others was particularly ironic since TRPA has been central to this issue by promoting new large development projects such as Boulder Bay, and Homewood without any consideration for the harsh reality that we don’t have a comprehensive transportation system, adequate fire evacuation, or necessary infrastructure.   The reality is there isn’t any planning or social engineering to manage all the crowds and litter. 10 pounds can’t fit in a 5 pound bag. Worse yet, TRPA has given a wink of approval to the Martis Valley West/Brockway Campground debacle which plops thousands of people on the ridge at Brockway Summit. Fact: our region is at or over capacity many times throughout the year.  The Tahoe Fund is fueled by and has become the PR arm for large developers.  It’s great that they are all so chummy, but where does that leave the public?  Small conservation groups are left with having to protect Tahoe from phony traffic studies and bogus environmental analysis.

I’m not saying I want five lanes like the South Shore, but obviously we need transportation solutions, not rhetoric.  Token signs saying “Take Care” are a nice idea, but funds should be allocated for enforcement.  When you have as many visitors as Tahoe does (I’ve heard 4+ million/year) there will always be a trash problem.  Since Tahoe is close to the large population areas of Reno, Sacramento and San Francisco, shouldn’t we have a maximum number of visitors?  Should there be a fee to handle impacts and transportation solutions?  Should there be a penalty consequence for littering?  Should Lake Tahoe become a National Park?  Maybe TRPA and the other authors of the article owe those that love and respect Lake Tahoe an apology for failing to plan for the real problems associated with increasing tourism.

TRPA, look to the dangerous development policies you promote and come up with realistic enforcement solutions. For the first time, I’m hearing visitors saying they are “rethinking Tahoe” as a getaway.  It’s time to think outside the box, before we all get boxed in.

Ann Nichols

North Tahoe Preservation Alliance

Ann Nichols, President of North Tahoe Preservation Alliance is a 39 year resident of the North Shore, working for 35 years selling Real Estate in Nevada and California as a Broker. Ann also enjoys oil and watercolor painting, skiing and hiking.

NTPA is a Nevada nonprofit corporation formed to ensure that North Lake Tahoe retains its natural beauty and easygoing, rustic lifestyle.

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